Empowering Yourself Through Faith

During times of great challenge, it might feel like you are hanging by a string and everything you have and who you love is on the string with you. I will be vulnerable to say this is how I am feeling. The war in mind and spirit is on high alert. I don’t know about you, but it seems when I am in this “tight space” mentally and emotionally, no one is nearby. Whether this is a dart from the enemy to make me think I am alone from God the Father or a part of God’s work of preparation and setting fire to areas in my life that needs to die. I can‘t help to notice inward phone calls are quiet as my external environment gets louder.

As you relate to what I am saying here is a question, why is it specifically in these hard seasons our self-worth and our relationship with God becomes questionable...even tested? We shrink from what we have learned about who we are in Him to a mind filled with confusion. We lose sight of His grace that has ALWAYS been and ALWAYS is with us.

It's an easy trap to fall into, but the truth is, God's grace is freely given, not earned. We are saved by His grace alone, and our salvation isn't a reward for good deeds, but rather a gift (Eph 2:8-10). Our worth in God's eyes is not based on our past mistakes or the challenges we face.

It's easy to let our past or our present struggles define us. Incarceration, abuse, physical limitations, or a medical diagnosis can make us feel unworthy or damaged. But that isn't how God sees us. In fact, He treasures us (Psalm 139: 17, Psalm 40:5). He wants to speak purpose into our lives, even in the midst of our pain and insecurities.

Are we viewing our lives through the lens of His grace or through a lens of condemnation or orphanhood? Remember, there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1). His grace is all we need, and His power works best in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). So, why not find joy in our weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through us resulting with God getting the glory! This is easier said than done...I know. But as you read this grab the level of faith you have and declare Psalm 118: 1-4, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Let all Israel repeat: “His faithful love endures forever.” Let Aaron’s descendants, the priests, repeat: “His faithful love endures forever.” Let all who fear the Lord repeat: “His faithful love endures forever.”

Today, choose to continue reclaiming your voice in God by seeing yourself as He sees you - as His beloved child, worthy, a masterpiece and loved by Him.

Weekly Reflection

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 118:1 NLT


What’s New At RYV!

New on the ReClaiming Your Voice podcast….

Constance Moseley says no matter your test, trial or history of trauma you are, “More Than Enough”.

Listen to the episode HERE!

The 4 Core Pillars Journey

We are excited to present this gift to you: The Introduction and Week 1 // Session 1 of the 4 Core Pillars Course! Enroll now to experience the foundational idea that will guide you throughout your journey!

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Solitude Above all Else


Accept The Raven