My Story

ReClaiming Your Voice was birthed from my journey of not knowing who I am. During my childhood I was molested at two years old by my grandfather, rejected and abandoned by my father, grew up in poverty, lived in a loving household affected by a schizophrenia diagnosis, and bullied from the age of five to seventeen. Low-self worth, living in survival mode and insecurites about my voice dictated how I showed up in the world.

I overcame homelessness, the pain of divorce, people pleasing, lacking boundaries, emotional abuse, and feeling shame for the choices I made. I had to figure out how to navigate relationships and live out the challenges that come with being a single mother of two children.

I truly believe coming out of an emotional and mental pit of being a people pleaser, not knowing who I am and fearful to come out of my comfort zone, has lead me here to show you how to do the same…with God.

This is my WHY and I pray the ministry of RYV will encourage you to discover God, reclaim your voice and live core values.

Who We Are

The Mission

Our mission is to teach, encourage and point you to Jesus through written, video, and audio resources.

The Vision

Our vision is for you to Discover God, ReClaim your Voice and live Core Values.

The 4 Core Pillars

Core Values

Your values and core values focus on your belief system that guides your decision-making. Values are beliefs you are willing to compromise. Core Values are beliefs that are non-negotiables.

Core Behaviors

Core Behaviors affect how you see yourself and your world. This consists of behaviors that are detrimental and beneficial to your growth and healing.

Core Needs

Core needs focus on your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. This pillar demonstrates your present and desired future state of being within these four areas.

Core Faith

Core Faith focuses on your relationship with God.