Accept The Raven

As I prepare to start a new job I can't help to think about the journey it took to get here. It was not easy and I was frustrated and confused. All I knew to do was use what I had and hold on to the “new wine” experience. Staying grounded in my core faith and firm in my core values I continued to move forward even when I saw nothing in front of me. 

But what about when the brook began to dry up? What about when prayers were not answered in the time frame you want regarding some concerns but not all? What about when space and resources became smaller and the challenges became bigger?

When you have done all you can do, you called all the people, you followed up every email, you remained in humility, you prayed, you cried…you surrendered.

Allow God to send a raven.

Raven’s are not the most attractive bird species but their purpose is of great importance. Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species mentioned one of the fascinating things about this bird is that it helps to “recycle nutrients into the ecosystem by eating the carcasses of dead animals.” Ravens are used to supply provision to the earth! I also found several scenarios in the Bible where God used ravens as a tool for and a sign of provision.

 *1 Kings 17:4

*Genesis 8:1

*Luke 12:24-34

*Job 38:41

God will use anyone or anything to show himself to us as The Father who will do what he said he will do. Many times we will not know or understand the methods he uses to remind us of his Will and love for us. But if you trust him he will show up with what you truly needed.


Weekly Reflection

“Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!”

Luke 12:24 {NIV}

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Empowering Yourself Through Faith


His Hand